Wednesday 11 September 2013

Three Colours Blue

In class we have watched the french film three colours blue and discussed in pairs the importance of the opening scene and how much information you can get off just the start of the movie.

I think the most important shot in the opening scene is the part when they show the car break leaking, immediately telling us the story line is of the car crashing however the question being which character survives?

The shot where the car stops determines which actor/actress plays who. the man who stretches when he gets out of the car being the father and the women who calls for the child is the mother, and finally the child who runs out of the as soon as the car pulls over is the daughter. We establish the name of the child, who's name is the first word spoken. From what i gathered the girls name is Diana. As i said before we hearthe mother saying the little girls name however we don't see her.

The screen time at the right beginning of the movie shows us that the car going through the highway. This could imply that the passengers of the car are bored. My suspicion was confirmed whenb we see the shot of the girl in the car with an extremely bored and tired expression on  her face. An even more exact example would be when the girl yawned.

I personally believe that sound and picture is both very important. however you could tell so much from just the sound. For example, the start of the movie when the car is driving through the highway. If you haven't had watched it you would have assumed it was a plane on a runway. You can hear things so much clearly if you just focused on the sound and not the picture.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Muna. Some thoughtful responses to what you saw. Interesting that you respond so positively to the use of sound.

    ebi the next step is to develop your use of media languages and terminology to deepen the commentary
