Wednesday 2 October 2013

Horror movie




The horror film I have chosen is “Scream”. This is because I have been able to identify many features in this film.

In the beginning we hear a non-diegetic sound which is a scream. this automatically shows us that this is going to be a horror film. The screaming is then cut off by the sound of a telephone ringing. The first scene is set in a big house where the women is alone and it is night time. This gives us the sense that something bad is going to happen to the women. We also hear another non-diegetic sound which is the soundtrack. the music has a lot of suspense and it continually builds up as the character continues to look for the intruder. The director choses to show us a close shot of all the victims so that we can see their scared facial expressions and hysteria. He also shows us a close up of when all the victims are stabbed Which enables us to notice that when the villain stabs her the knife not go in. we also notice that the victim has blood sprout the place she is stabbed (the heart) which makes believe that the victim is bleeding 




Tears of Blood


Scene 1


A body of a dead girl is lying on the floor and soft, sad music is in the background.

Three days later - We are now in the office of Detective Scarlet. Close up of her in working. Suddenly knocking is heard.


Scarlet – Yeah, come in.

Jamie her assistant comes in with a file with a neutral expression on his face. 180 degrees shot between Scarlet and Jamie.

Jamie – Here’s your new case Miss

He hands her the file.

Scarlet – (she waves it off her eyes still on her work) just leave it to the side then.

Jamie – Actually I think you might want to read it now.


She pauses and looks up to Jamie


Scarlet – All right Jamie.


She takes the file. As she is reading we get a close of her facial expression which has a look of curiosity. 180 degrees rule continues. Music becomes tense.


Scarlet – So it’s been three days since the death of this girl…Olivia, right? (Suddenly becomes more interested)

Jamie – Yes Miss

Scarlet – So there’s bruise marks on her. (She starts to pace) Have any forensic scientists checked her out to see the cause of her death?

Jamie – I don’t know

Scarlet – You don’t know? Okay, go make yourself useful and get me a strong         mocha, actually, call a cab here and tell him the address ‘9 4 Waterway Street’.

Jamie – Right away.

End of scene.